Friday, June 18, 2010


In late February I received notification of being a recipient of a Lilly Foundation Teacher Creativity Grant. I was overwhelmed with gratitude upon reading the acceptance letter in my packet. My grant proposal allows me to take organ lessons, visit organ builders, and travel throughout the United States to hear pipe organ concerts. I began the next Sunday, the first Sunday in March, visiting near-by churches to hear a variety of pipe organs. Throughout March and April Sunday visits continued with a visit to Bunn=Minnick Organ Builders in Columbus, Ohio. Bob Bunn was a most gracious host explaining his facility and answering my numerous questions. I proudly display an organ stop tab on my keychain from Bunn=Minnick. While in Columbus I attended a concert at the First Congregational Church and heard Scott Dettra from the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. play an outstanding concert using both sanctuary organs. One organ was in the loft with no visuals. The second was moved to the middle of the chancel to allow full view of his hands and feet. In May I continued local church visits as well as attending another amazing concert by a Spanish organist at the Cathedral-Basilica St. Louis King of France in New Orleans. The organ was in the loft but a camera feed projected his performance onto the screen at the front of the church. His pedal work was very impressive.

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